Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia are Murder Essay

Euthanasia is Murder On June 4, 1990, Janet Adkins committed suicide. She killed herself under the supervision of a man named Jack Kevorkian. Again and again, Kevorkian set up machines and killed patients that were supposedly terminally ill. He escaped punishment for years, but on March 26, 1999, Kevorkian was incarcerated for second-degree murder. (Online,99) He had developed many friends and many enemies. One of his followers was a woman who had developed coronary artery disease. Her name was Donna White. She thought about suicide often, especially when her pain was incredibly intense. Help found her before euthanasia did. A hospice care facility heard about her plot to commit suicide, and they found help for her. They†¦show more content†¦Passive euthanasia is not always wrong. It is allowing a persons body to take a natural course of death. Active euthanasia, or positive euthanasia, is when a doctor or another person takes direct action to cause death. (Grolier, 98) Active euthanasia is extr emely wrong. It is murder and should not be allowed. Assisted suicide and active euthanasia is not natural and is extremely unethical. Often times, the effects of painful diseases or severe depression are the cause of suicidal thoughts that result in euthanasia. Jonathan Gould and Lord Craigmyle, authors of Your Death Warrant?, put the suffering of pain in perspective. They say, Pain and suffering are inescapable at times in life, and sometimes attend its end but Pain, it is to be remembered. . . Generally pain can be considered natural and wholesome although unpleasant. There are ways to take away the pain that accompanies deaths. There are so many more choices than poisoning the body unto death. In fact, medical killing of sick persons would create far more distress, suffering and pain, directly and indirectly, than it would relieve. (Gould and Craigmyle, 71) The number one rule of medicine is that doctors shall not kill. This regimen has been a priority since the teachings of the well know physician, Hippocrates. (Shapiro and Bowerm aster, 94) Some doctors often let their murders slide behind the name of euthanasia. Kevorkian did that very thing. HeShow MoreRelatedEssay about Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide are Murder995 Words   |  4 PagesAssisted Suicide is Murder    If suicide is a right, then it is one that has remained undiscovered throughout the ages by the great thinkers in law, ethics, philosophy and theology. It appears nowhere in the Bible or the Koran or the Talmud. Committing suicide wasnt a right a thousand years ago, and it isnt one now. Thats why most societies, including our own, have passed laws against it (Callahan, pg. 71). Assisted suicide is murder! 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